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The student news site of Davenport West High School

WHS Today

The student news site of Davenport West High School

WHS Today

The student news site of Davenport West High School

WHS Today

Kate Kealey

Kate Kealey, Editor in Chief

She may be a senior at West with a bright mind, but Kate Kealey is involved in many more ways than just being a student. For example, she takes on the role of being Editor in Chief for the Beak ‘n’ Eye. She is very excited for the responsibilty and opportunity that comes with this position.

Kealey participates on the track team and she has done it ever since 6th grade.

Kealey loves being ‘in charge of staff but it is a lot of work to get the paper edited and looking really good.

For Kealey, spreading the love of journalism and helping other staff members see that is very important to her. She also enjoys the responsibility and stress that comes with editing the newspaper.

Written by Tyler Newman

All content by Kate Kealey
Language arts teacher Pat Sheehey assists senior Brooke Hildebrant with paper revisions sporting a smile. “I think it is very important to develop skills in English, and to write well, speak well, and to read,” Sheehey said about the subject she has been teaching for the past 50 years.

50 years and counting

Kate Kealey, Editor in Chief
March 27, 2019
Polls in Iowa opened at seven in the morning on Tuesday and closed voting at nine in the evening. However, due to people still in line the Iowa gubernatorial election was not finalized until around eleven.

Midterm election causes mixed emotions

Kate Kealey, Editor in Chief
November 8, 2018
Amia Combs is a person that will always stick up for her friends and anyone and need. 
"I hate when people bully sweet kids," Combs said. She tries her best to not conform to high school trends and always speaks her mind.

Breaking the stereotype

Kate Kealey, Editor in Chief
October 29, 2018
Themes throughout the week will be 'Merica Monday, country vs. country club Tuesday,  out of this world Wednesday, and mathletes and athletes Thursday.

Challenging hunger

Kate Kealey, Editor in Chief
October 16, 2018
Social worker Jennifer O'Hare has been working to improve the food pantry to ensure that all students and community members have any necessities they need.

Falcon Nest continues to grow

Kate Kealey, Editor-in-chief
June 1, 2018
Q:What has changed about you in the last three years you have been at West?

A:"My braces, my first year teaching is when I got them on and this year, I now have them off"

Moving on: Jared Perez

Kate Kealey, Editor-in-chief
May 30, 2018
On Apr. 20, a select group of West students took part in the Big Table event along with all other public schools in the Quad Cities. Big Table was a a two-day event that sought to bring 5,000 people to 500 tables across the Quad Cities to discuss the future of the community. The event brought people from all over the community together to address issues and identify solutions.

"There is nothing more empowering than bringing people together and hearing their thoughts and allowing them to speak to see how they change people's behavior," Nate Clark Vice President of the John Deere Foundation and the Associate Director of the  Corporate Citizenship for John Deere said.

Falcons big role models at Big Table

Kate Kealey, Editor in chief
April 23, 2018
Senior Tyler Williams hurdling at one of the few meets that the boys track team had at Brady Street Stadium.

[Photo] Problematic weather for sports

Emma Day, Social Media Manager
April 19, 2018
West is the only school that was able to go to St. Ambrose for National Biomechanics Day.
"I think this is a great opportunity for students to talk to young professionals, professors, and to explore new possibilities. It is great in so many ways," Anatomy and Physiology teacher John Arnold said.

Falcons become bees for the day

Kate Kealey, Editor in Chief
April 12, 2018
Iowa Assessment testing is from 8:10 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. in students' advisory classroom.

West takes on the Iowa Assessments

Kate Kealey, Editor in chief
April 3, 2018
The team usually lifts two times a week before running. Workouts contain a variety of leg and arm workouts such as squats, bench presses, lunges and curls.

Keeping up with the girls track team

Kate Kealey, Editor in chief
March 28, 2018
On Mar. 14, schools across the nation took part in a walkout aimed to end gun violence.

Adults walk over the walkout

Kate Kealey, Editor in Chief
March 18, 2018
“I try to be positive. I can’t tell you what I do, but I think positive attitude is part of it, and being friendly and open to the students.”-English teacher Patricia Sheehey

Women of West: Patricia Sheehey

Kate Kealey, Editor in Cheif
March 10, 2018

Out with the old, and in with the new

Kate Kealey, Editor in chief
January 9, 2018

Falcon festivities

Kate Kealey, Editor in chief
December 20, 2017
Saint  Ambrose Chemistry professor Andy Axup teaching chemistry teachers John Arnold and Andrea Andrews, third and fourth block about chemistry and how it can be used everyday.

[Photo] Kitchen chemistry

December 19, 2017
Kaylin Buckley benches her first set of the competition

Bench Press Competition

Kate Kealey, Editor in Chief
November 7, 2017
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Kate Kealey