2019 Gala court candidates
Fellow Gala court candidates watch as candidate William Zogg is escorted on stage by Emily Ratermann.
February 9, 2019
Carson Kahley
Carson Kahley is involved in many activities at West including band, drumline, show choir pit, and jazz band. He’s president of the National Honor Society, a Junior Rotarian, and West’s school board representative. His favorite memories at West are his experiences in drumline.
“I think everything happens for a reason, so I wouldn’t want anything to change [about my high school experience],” Kahley said.
After high school, Kahley plans to go the the University of Iowa and major in finance.
Josh Loving
In Josh Loving’s four years at West he has played basketball, football, and baseball. Loving is also on the swim team and is a member of the National Honor Society.
One of Loving’s favorite things about West are the relationships he’s gained from after school sports.
“Meeting new friends, and getting to know the coaches and staff at West [About his favorite memories from West],” Loving said.
If he could change his high school experience, Loving says he would’ve joined swimming earlier, and joined more clubs.
Loving plans to major in business at the University of Iowa, and potentially minor in sports management. He hopes to become a teacher and coach at the high school or college level.
Huy Tran
Huy Tran has accomplished many things during his time at West. As a center midfielder on the varsity soccer team, Tran has led the team in goals and assists since his sophomore year.
He is also involved with engineering’s INSPIRE program through which he has worked on the “Kenya Project.”
“[The Kenya Project] creates water filtration systems for villages in Kenya,” Tran explained.
Tran intends to attend Iowa State and major in chemical engineering.
Rolando Gonzalez
Rolando Gonzalez loves to perform and being involved with theatre, choir, show choir, and the Comedysportz improv team. He is also an avid tennis player.
“[My favorite high school experience was] four years of Show Choir with really cool people. It’s definitely been the best experience because I wasn’t going to do it, but now I can’t imagine not doing it,” Gonzalez said.
In his freetime, Gonzalez plays PS4 games, listens to music, and works on AP homework.
As for his future, Gonzalez wants to be a high school theatre and English teacher, citing how his theatre teachers impacted him in a positive way as his motivation.
Ethan Gabriel
Ethan Gabriel is involved with band, marching band, jazz band, show choir pit, musical pit, National Honor Society, Junior Rotarian Club, and robotics.
“Maybe my involvement with the clubs at West, [and] certainly not my good looks,” Gabriel said, on the reasons he thought people voted for him.
His favorite memory at West is the band trip last year to Florida, but he’s also a fan of all the snow days this year.
His advice is to “join more clubs,” and “Don’t be afraid to start stuff as a freshman because it’s a lot of fun.” In his freetime, Gabriel likes to play video games and watch Netflix, his favorite show on Netflix is “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.”
As for college, Gabriel will attend Iowa State for a degree in Computer Engineering.
Nick Nahnybida
Nick Nahnybida remembers being nervous to join cross country for the first time but now says it’s one of his favorite memories at West. Through his involvement in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Team, the First Robotics Competition, and cross country at West, as well as his work on the Kenya water project, he has grown a lot.
Being respectful and caring to others he says helped him get on Gala court, even though he was not expecting to make it.
“Quite honestly, I would prefer not to be on court,¨ Nahnybida said.“But I’m on it, so I’m going to make the best of it.“
After high school, he plans to study to be a mechanical engineer at the University of Iowa or the University of Notre Dame.
Brady McIntyre
Brady McIntyre wants to take his academic success and develop it into helping the world. With many involvements in West some include, basketball, baseball, swimming, tennis, National Honor Society, Falcon Friends, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Along with his interest with criminal investigation, he loves sports.
“I just love sports,“ McIntyre said. “I love high school sports and I love participating on the teams at West.“
He feels honored to be given the chance to be on Gala court. He feels every guy deserves it, and he is just glad to share this moment with his peers and fellow classmates.
William Zogg
William Zogg stands for respect. He likes to be helpful to others. After high school, he is going to Iowa State for a dual program that will get him a master’s in electrical engineering and a bachelor’s in computer engineering.
He is mostly involved with robotics and band, which also include playing for the show choir, musicals and jazz band.
“One of my biggest passions is music,“ Zogg said. “So I like playing my saxophone and also I love building computers. I do a lot of DIY projects.“
He says it was a 50/50 chance for him to be on Gala court, but mostly he feels honored for the experience.
Robert Greve
Robert “Robbie” Greve is involved with the Comedysportz High School League, is in the Drama Club, a member of the varsity choir, varsity show choir, and helps with the JV show choir.
“I try to welcome anyone who wants to come to me with a problem or just wants to hang out. I believe that emotional support for people who are going through a rough time is a huge thing,” Greve said.
Outside of school, Greve enjoys hanging out with friends, going to Comedysportz shows, or going to the movies. He also edits videos, works on scripts, or other work for theater.
After graduating, Greve plans on attending Kirkwood in the fall, and then going to the University of Iowa for a double major in marketing and theater.
Gunner Avis
Gunner Avis will be attending Kirkwood for one year and Iowa State for three years for fashion merchandising. He was involved with varsity cheerleading and competition cheerleading , which includes one of his favorite memories of getting second place at state cheer competition.
After school he enjoys hanging out with friends and working at the mall. Avis was not expecting to be on Gala Court, but says it’s an amazing opportunity
Dalton Carstens
Dalton Carstens is on the varsity soccer and football teams, is part of the INSPIRE program, and National Honor Society.
One of his favorite memories at West is winning the North Scott soccer tournament his junior year. He feels people voted for him for his academics and because he tries to be kind to everyone.
Carstens did expect to be on Gala Court, but says it is a pretty cool experience
Brady Pratt
Brady Pratt is planning to go to the University of Iowa to double major in Business and Political Science and get a Masters in Finance. Outside of school he enjoys hanging with his girlfriend and singing in the show choir at West. Making All-State choir for the first time is his favorite memory at West.
“I am honored to make court because it’s cool to think I was in someones head when they were voting and it makes me feel good,” Pratt said.
The Gala dance will take place on February 9th from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the CASI center.