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The student news site of Davenport West High School

WHS Today

The student news site of Davenport West High School

WHS Today

The student news site of Davenport West High School

WHS Today

In the back of my car is an abundance of cleaning supplies including Lysol wipes, wet wipes, and a bleach spray. Every item that groceries come into our house, they have to be thoroughly disinfected, and if possible let sit for three days.

The new normal

Megan Dunn, Reporter May 11, 2020

What was once an easy task now takes 30 minutes longer. As you enter the grocery store, you head straight for the wipes to disinfect your cart. The aisles are now one way. There is no more browsing through...

Keeping morality high is a priority in all campaigns, which is why the Warren office got a cardboard cut out of her. It makes a fun conversation piece too.

I can’t vote, but I can still change the future

Megan Dunn, Reporter February 1, 2020

A long line of public service and doing what's right is in my “genes” one could say. I’ve been advocating and volunteering since before I was born. When my mom was eight months pregnant with me she...

Life's Little Treasures is a resale shop in Davenport, all proceeds go to QC Right to Life.

Heartbeat bill threatens women’s rights

Kate Kealey, Editor in Chief June 3, 2019

Recently many states including Iowa have tried to pass the Heartbeat Bill. Don’t let the title fool you, this bill was designed by a party of white men intending to strip women of basic reproductive...

This image is a realistic interpretation of a black hole bending the fabric of spacetime.

The world could end tomorrow…

Cameron Wilson, Reporter May 10, 2019

  People are selfish; it’s a part of who we are. Naturally humans will worry about problems in their lives that affect how they operate and how they appear to others. This can and usually does...

A lack of adaptation to the way humans react to climate change could result in harm to everything. Plant life would suffer, humans would suffer, and everything else would in the process. “We’re getting more mold and more viruses. It’s throwing off the balance,” Zimmerman said. “We could be bringing back viruses from over 10,000 years ago. It’s ridiculous.”

A looming threat draws ever closer

Tim O’Leary, Reporter April 7, 2019

The point of no return draws ever closer for mother earth. A number being commonly thrown around is 12 years, making the march to the tipping point dangerously close. Yet still many superpowers, notably...

This photo by senior Skylar Hintze that depicts the aspects to lead a happy and healthy life such as being a role model, communicating, having faith, friends, family, humbleness, forgiveness, passion, balance, confidence, and compassion. “Everyone has different keys to life for themselves. One person may feel families are the most important aspect, while someone else may feel communication is important to them,” Hintze said.

The keys to living a happy and healthy life

Tyler Newman, Reporter April 7, 2019

Life is the most wonderful joy in the world. Even with all the negativity in the world, people should try to lead a enjoyable life. Having faith, forgiveness, and compassion are some ways people can make...

Young adults in this country should realize that it's a civic duty to do everything that they can in order to make the country the best place possible for all types of people. In order to do this, everyone needs to elect officials that represent the change they want to see in the nation. Youth may only comprise 25 percent of the nation’s population, but they are 100 percent of the future.

Coalition of young voters

Zak Keel, Reporter November 6, 2018

Polls will open up today, Nov. 6, for the 2018 midterm elections as Americans across the nation will partake in state and local races that will soon influence the second half of President Donald Trump’s...

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Anxiety: you’re probably doing it wrong

Dani Reitz, Voice Editor November 5, 2018

I've seen and heard the word almost everywhere I go. Anxiety. With mental health awareness becoming increasingly emphasized in our modern society, the topic has found its way into countless conversations,...

Romeo and Juliet played by Xavier Thomas and Lily Hancock exchange kind looks of endearment when they first encounter each other at the gala. Little do they know this is where the story spark begins.

Poignant performance

Kelly Snawerdt, Print Editor November 5, 2018

Brought to you by the Falcon nest’s very own Liddy auditorium, this year’s 2018 play is... drumroll please …Romeo and Juliet! This performance was shown from November 2-4. Director Nic Anderson wrote...

The West varsity football game against Clinton was cut short when head football coach, Justin Peters, called the game in the fourth quarter.

Friday night fights

Tori Dierikx, Reporter September 6, 2018

Football is a heavy contact sport, but sometimes that contact can go too far. On Friday, Aug. 31, the Falcon football team got a first hand glimpse at what “too far” means when they versed the Clinton...

The musical "Oklahoma!" was Apr. 4-6 in the Liddy Auditorium at West High School.

Musical review: “Oklahoma!”

Emma Day, Social Media Manager May 7, 2018

West Falcon Theatre presented the musical “Oklahoma!” Apr. 4-6 in the Liddy Auditorium at West High School. This was director Nic Anderson’s first time directing a musical at West. Anderson and the...

Movie review: "A Quiet Place"

Movie review: “A Quiet Place”

Danielle Stevens, Reporter April 14, 2018

On Apr. 6, the newly anticipated thriller movie "A Quiet Place" hit theatres. It made 50 million dollars in the box office once it was released and rated a 97 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. "A Quiet...

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