GALA goals
Photo from by Allef Vinicius
A couple enjoys last slow dance of the night.
December 20, 2017
As we march into the new year we will welcome a new slew of senior candidates who wish to claim the esteemed title of GALA king.The candidates were voted by their peers during a senior meeting, and the top 12 voted are:
Trevor Burkhardt
Gage Coghill
Brett Erwin
Bailey Garnica
Kevin Masterson
Xavier McClure
Noah McCreary
Riley McIntyre
DJ(Darnell) Mosley
Chris Tan
Tyler Williams
Andrew Wright
The above candidates will have the honor of being escorted by ladies of the senior class who have the highest GPA in their grade level. The escorts are:
Emma Bedeian
Allison Cheatheam
Connie Chu
Pamela Friede
Beatriz Garnica
Hannah Jones
Kersten Kahley
Cassidy Kolwey
Molly Kretschmer
Abby Ratermann
Courtney Shaffer
Alyssa Vick