“Par”fect Meet
Girls Golf play in First Meet
“I think this year’s golf season will be fun and we have a pretty good team,” senior Clare Lotspeich said.
April 12, 2023
Staring at the top of the hill looking at a small hole 338 yards away, with one goal to put that ball in the hole in the least amount of shots. That’s how the West girls golf teams first meet started Thursday, April 6th at Duck Creek Golf Course. They were playing in a triangle meet with cross town rivals Davenport Assumption and Davenport North.
“I was really nervous at first because it was my first ever varsity meet. Although I was also very excited to play because I absolutely love to golf,” sophomore Saige Haas said.
With a new season starting, new people are being pulled up to varsity and playing their first meet. Some this may not have been their first varsity meet, but it was still the first meet of their season.
“I surprised myself a little bit, it was the first meet, so I didn’t think I was going to win. I feel pretty good about this season, I can tell I’ve already improved from last year,” senior Alexis Peters said.
Emotions are heightened with the pressure of the start of a season. With the weather the team has only been able to play outside twice before the meet.
“I was nervous about playing with little time outside, it made it more challenging than if we had more time. Also considering the first time we went to the range was right before the meet I think everyone did well and it was an overall successful meet,” Peters said.
West ended up shooting a 224 as a team to win first place over Assumption and North. West’s senior Alexis Peters took first place individually and junior Makenna Burt took third place.
“It was the first meet of the year, you never really know. Although I was excited. It’s just kind of nice to put some scores out and figure out where we are at and where we stand against other teams as well,” Coach Mr. Wolf said.