Falcon Nest continues to grow
On Tuesday morning, May 29 the Falcon Nest laid a new sidewalk leading to the entrance of the pantry. The food pantry started at the beginning of the 2017/2018 school year and has expanded to providing clothes, prom dresses, and a place where students can do laundry.
Junior Presley Roseman believes that the new sidewalk is a big step for the Nest.
“I think it is a big improvement and will help the school out a lot because right now when families come in, there are just a few bricks for them to walk on. Some of the families that come are disabled, so it is rough for them to get in and out, and it looks like we don’t care about them. Having a sidewalk makes the pantry look more professional and more like a store instead of a corner door,” Roseman said.
Roseman helps the pantry by being involved in Student Senate as well as taking time out of her day to assist with organizing the clothing and unloading the food from the food bank and putting it into the freezers. Roseman is assisted by social worker Jennifer O’Hare, creator of the Falcon Nest.
“The pantry builds community within West High School because we help provide for our own. It gives students, staff, and families a chance to help each other out, and it helps fill gaps when people need assistance,” O’Hare said.
Over the summer, the pantry will not be running due to school construction but is planning to pick back up once it is finished in August. Student Senate will be running for four terms instead of two, and they plan to dedicate their work towards serving the Falcon Nest.
Student Senate advisor Christine Coyne-Logan hopes to use Senate to improve the Falcon Nest even more.
“Our mission statement is to work with the administration, staff, and community in matters affecting the welfare of the student body and to encourage leadership through service, and what better way to offer leadership opportunities to our students senators than working with the Falcon Nest at West High School,” Coyne Logan said.
Students can donate to the pantry with items such as food, clothes, feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes, and notes by contacting O’Hare or Roseman.
“We have a lot of students at our school that need the pantry just to get through the week, and although you might not notice them, there are a lot of students that do. Without the food pantry they could not excel in academics as well,” Roseman said.

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