Determination is Key
Runner continues to break records
“I run because it refreshes my mind.” said Kylie Daily.
October 20, 2022
3.1 miles, 5k, 19 minutes 11 seconds. That’s the West High School cross country girls record. Most people wouldn’t even want to run a 5k, let alone do it that fast. Junior Kylie Daily chooses to do that for one of her sports. She has broken the school record now twice and is continuing to get faster as time goes on. Running fast doesn’t just come naturally, for most it takes a lot of work.
“Just her determination. She wants it more than most people. A lot of athletes, regardless of the sport, are satisfied with where they are. She never is. She wants to improve every day at practice,” cross country coach Mr. Rietz said.
Determination is what sets Daily apart from others. Improving and training can mean many different things for different athletes. This pays off for her as she has medaled in every meet this year.
“I work hard every day and put in as many miles as I can. Normally about 6 miles or speed work.” Junior Kylie Daily said.
Daily not only does the running, but pushes herself during practice to become even better. The girls and boys cross country teams practice together and Daily chooses to push herself and keep up with the guys.
“We work on a lot of speed work and a lot of times when we do the work she’ll run with the boys. […] Going against guys motivates her to go even faster. And so we do a lot of combinations with the boys team[at practice],” Rietz said.
This helps Daily motivate herself to become even faster. She has grown so much and has become a much faster runner. She won’t be satisfied with herself though she will continue working hard.
“I just know she’s really hard on herself. So she tries to make everything [her racing] better.” Junior Jada Daily said.
K Daily is not only competitive with herself but is also with her twin sister. Her sister is also a great runner and runs cross country as well.
“We are competitive against each other but most of the time I know she will beat me by like 4 minutes.” J Daily said.
Even though the Daily twins are competitive against each other, they are still teammates and sisters. Cross Country is a team sport although you run by yourself.
“We try to tell each other it’s just a race and we can learn from our mistakes,” J Daily said.
This has seemed to have been a success for K Daily. She has finished in the top three at four different races this year, and also finished 10th in the MAC Championship. This made her all conference second team, an amazing accomplishment.
“I feel pretty good about myself for that [breaking school records]. I really didn’t think I could get that, I was just running to be running.” K Daily said.