Involvement is key
Humans of West: Ian Keeney

Keeney stands in the box awaiting a pitch.
January 12, 2022
Involvement in high school is something that is drilled into the heads of students before and during their high school careers. Being involved allows you to stay busy while meeting new people. However, how much involvement is too much?
Most students at West are involved in some sort of activity, whether it’s a club or a sport. Sophomore Ian Keeney is going above the amount of activities the normal high school student is involved in. He stays busy and is involved in football, swimming, tennis, baseball, jazz band and drumline at West.
“I really like to be social and meet new people,” Keeney said. “I wanted to participate in activities that happen in every season to be involved.”
Being involved and staying busy sometimes has negative effects on your schedule. Keeney explains how he manages all of his time while engaged in all of his activities.
“The hardest part about being in so much is the overlap. For example during football season I’m in the middle of band, but then it calms down and you have time to focus on both. The summer is nice because there’s no school so I can really focus on baseball,” Keeney said.
Although there is some negativity while you are staying involved and busy, there is more positivity. Keeney is able to create new friendships while staying busy.
“We both play baseball, we both swim, we both play tennis, we get to spend a lot of time together which is how we’ve gotten so close,” senior Chance Dreyer said.
With Keeney’s busy schedule, some may think that it would wear him down. That is not the case, Keeney finds a way to always stay positive.
“I would describe Ian as passionate because he dedicates himself to everything he does and he always does it with passion and meaning behind it. It never does anything ‘halfway,’” assistant band director Courtney Long said.
Even as an underclassman, Keeney has shown traits that will help him in the future which will only grow stronger as he gets older.
“Ian shows leadership qualities by being prepared, helping people out no matter what, and teaching people things but in a way you can understand if it isn’t clicking.”
As Keeney continues to move through his high school career, he looks to remain on his busy schedule. He attributes his determination to his mindset, and it allows him to always stay on top.
“You can always let go of stuff, so take the opportunities right away so you can figure out what you like. And if you don’t like it, you’re not forced to do it, just do what you enjoy doing,” Keeney said.