An eagerness for academics
Junior Sarah Eckert shows attentiveness not only in the classroom, but all around her
This smile isn’t fake as Eckert has a constant look of happiness wherever she goes. Her joy is contagious to everyone around her!
April 20, 2021
The road to success can start at a young age, especially for junior Sarah Eckert. As only a junior, Eckert is completing an inspiring level of academics that some can only dream of. Currently dual enrolled between Davenport West and Central, she works hard to accomplish everything to her fullest ability, all before graduating high school. As her first and fourth blocks are at Central, and second and third at West, racing against the clock is an everyday occurrence for Eckert.
“I went to Central and West freshman year, then just Central sophomore year, and now I’m back at Central and West. However, if all classes were offered at one school, I would ideally love to be at West full time,” Eckert said.
Eckert is currently taking courses that may seem challenging for a junior, but will ultimately further her education on the road ahead. Studying for these classes takes up quite a bit of time in this junior’s schedule.
“After school I typically go home and sometimes I’ll just sit outside for maybe half an hour and grab a snack, but then I have to crack down on work. I’ll usually be working until anywhere from 10pm to 1am, all just for homework starting at 5pm.”
What might she be studying for? Eckert challenges herself along with pushing her strengths by taking two AP classes, one at Central and one at West. Along with that, she prepares for other exams and finals that will ultimately guide her future.
“Currently I have two ACT tests coming up, along with my AP literature exam, AP language exam, and AP Chemistry. I also have to think about my finals happening this week as well. I try to study as often as I can to prepare for the tests but it can often just become exhausting.”
Other than the classes themselves, Eckert enjoys the atmosphere of West more than anywhere else. She believes it’s a community rather than just a school.
“Everyone is incredibly nice at West, the teachers are very encouraging, and their joy in the subjects they teach produces joy in me regarding the subjects. There is just so much community and a love and sense of respect for peers.”
After high school, Eckert has set up her road to success by scoping out colleges that will meet the needs of her career path.
“Ideally I would like to go into pharmacy at Concordia University in Wisconsin. It’s a smaller school so there’s more one on one, and they have a really great pharmacy program. I’m also considering moving to Australia for work and life in general after I graduate.”
Even if her first option does not go as planned, there’s no need to fear as Eckert always has backup options that will suit her just as well.
“A second option for my career path would be to do some sort of thing with language. I’m very fascinated with words and the origin of them and I’ve never had a chance to learn about it in much detail, but I’m very intrigued by it.”
In her free time, Eckert plays the piano, as she has since first grade, along with writing creative stories. She shares her passion for English through her own creative writing by expressing whatever comes to mind.
When in a classroom atmosphere, Eckert’s light reflects on all around as she is continuously opening the eyes of students and teachers around her.
“This year was my first time with Sarah so I’ve known her for the past three terms here in AP English. She often brings a unique perspective to situations. Whatever we are studying she often will contribute to the discussion and it’s usually a different and unique perspective,” Language Arts teacher Angela Staber said.
In an AP classroom especially, discussion is always key. However this is no problem for Eckert as she is always voicing her thoughts on a subject in a positive way.
“I appreciate how she builds off of conversations and discussions in the classroom because she acknowledges other viewpoints in the room and either adds on to it or will take it in a different direction. Her ability to listen, reflect, and then take further is just something that’s beautiful in a language arts classroom especially,” Staber said.
With this being the last time Staber has Eckert as a student, she has high hopes and dreams for her student that she knows Eckert is more than capable od accomplishing.
“She will be successful in whatever path she takes, but I hope that in the future she continues to make strong relationships with her peers. I can’t imagine what it’s like to bounce from two different schools so I just want to see that for her in her success down the road.”
Along with inspiring teachers, Eckert is always opening the eyes of students around her, whether she knows it or not. Each comment or viewpoint creates an everlasting effect on those around her.
“Sarah’s dedication and bravery inspires me the most. She was not afraid to take AP English as a junior along with other rigorous classes bouncing from school to school. She doesn’t let fear stand in the way of her goals which is truly admiring,” senior Molly Daily said.
Daily shares that Eckert is also constantly asking deep questions about whatever they are reading in class, and has an interesting perspective on things which helps challenge and inspire those around her. Not only do her discussions inspire, but her kind heart does as well.
“One thing about Sarah that stands out to me is how she’s always so eager and ready for class. I’ve never heard her complain about an assignment because she embraces challenges. She is definitely essential to our AP English class as her energy always brightens the room. She has such a kind heart and compliments everyone at the start of class.”
With her busy schedule, finding a way to stay motivated can often create an issue. However, finding and reaching a goal is what helps Eckert travel to success.
“I’ve always found when I struggle to focus on a subject or enjoy the subject, to just try and pick something out of it that will give me a goal. Even if it’s the tiniest, most unrealistic thing, just finding joy so that you can push yourself and work towards the goal.”