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Freaky Friday

Senior girls play junior girls in flag football game
Junior Emmaly Maylum runs the ball and the team cheers her on for the touchdown.
Junior Emmaly Maylum runs the ball and the team cheers her on for the touchdown.
Lucy Bernick

On October 27th, 2023 the Davenport West senior girls played the junior girls in a game of flag football. This event called “Powderpuff” was created to raise money for student senate’s hunger drive. Not only did the girls switch roles with the football players, but a few upperclassmen boys signed up to perform a dance routine at halftime. The coaches of the football game consisted of a few football players who volunteered to coach their class. The real varsity football coaches also got involved with the game by being the refs. The seniors took the win in the end, but both teams enjoyed the event and were able to do it for charity.

“I wanted to do it with my friends and to also support the hunger drive,” senior Elizabeth Paustian said.

The game was a fun way to raise money for the hunger drive by charging $20 to participate and get a t-shirt. The girls got the chance to do an activity that they don’t normally get to, and turn it into a competition.

“I did it because I like sports and it’s a sport that we don’t usually get to play,” senior Hannah Mitchell said.

To prepare for the game both teams and even the dancers had a few practices to get ready. This helped them know what they were doing and got them hyped up for the game.

“I feel like I had a lot of positivity, and I really wanted to be there,” Paustian said.

This excitement created a fun and competitive atmosphere for the players, crowd and even the coaches.

One of the coaches, junior Landen Pillard said, “It was better than expected, most of them played really well.”

The coaches were excited to be able to participate and represent their grade. The players enjoyed getting to have some highlights like getting a touchdown or an interception.

“My favorite part was getting into the game and getting excited when the scoreboard changes, or someone gets a touchdown since we don’t actually play football,” junior Rachel Ehlers said.

Both teams had multiple touchdowns, interceptions and other impressive plays. The upperclassmen girls got to show off their football skills and help out the school by raising money for charity. The game was cold and intense by going into an extended overtime. It finally ended with a score of  36-30 and the seniors taking the win. Powderpuff was an overall success and created memories for many of the upperclassmen who participated.

About the Contributor
Lucy Bernick
Lucy Bernick, Co-editor
Lucy Bernick is a junior at West High School. This is her third year on the Beak ‘n’ Eye staff and first year as an editor. She is a member of the dance and tennis teams at West, along with the leo club, ecology club, and National Honor Society. Lucy loves to travel and her favorite place that she has been to is Hawaii. Lucy is excited to write more sports stories in the future to get kids interested in the Beak ‘n’ Eye.