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The student news site of Davenport West High School

WHS Today

The student news site of Davenport West High School

WHS Today

The student news site of Davenport West High School

WHS Today

All of the Hamlet actors gathered on stage for a mic check. The cast went onto the stage, costume and all, to do a final check of the mics to make sure they were all working in preparation for the show.

‘To be, or not to be: that is the question’

Katie Giebelstein, Reporter December 7, 2019

This winter West is showing a production of Shakespeare's Hamlet from Dec. 6-8. Hamlet is a show about the Prince of Denmark, Hamlet, who seeks out vengeance for his father’s death while also slowly...

A lack of adaptation to the way humans react to climate change could result in harm to everything. Plant life would suffer, humans would suffer, and everything else would in the process. “We’re getting more mold and more viruses. It’s throwing off the balance,” Zimmerman said. “We could be bringing back viruses from over 10,000 years ago. It’s ridiculous.”

A looming threat draws ever closer

Tim O’Leary, Reporter April 7, 2019

The point of no return draws ever closer for mother earth. A number being commonly thrown around is 12 years, making the march to the tipping point dangerously close. Yet still many superpowers, notably...

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Maesi Geigle