Femineers Club looking for new members

Brooke Netcott

Doyle Massey, the club’s adviser, showcases the hummingbird kit that club members will be able to experiment with.

Brooke Netcott, Reporter

A new club was added to the number of clubs at West. The Femineers Club was created to promote and encourage female freshmen and sophomores to go into the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) field.

Femineers Club is funded by the Stem Innovation Fund Award through the University of Iowa. The award pays for materials and transportation to the University of Iowa. It does not cost anything to join.

Iowa is the first state to be part of the femineers program outside of California.

“Robotics and Femineers Club are different because Robotics is run like a business and has different projects, while Femineers Club is more project-base learning,” Engineering Design teacher Jason Franzenburg said.

Members have to complete a total of 30 volunteer hours by the end of the year, which means people who join meet one to two hours a week. The Femineers Club will work with Hummingbird, a robotic kit, to build creative things.

Members will work with hands-on projects including making interactive art. Next year, the group will make wearable electronics like shirts with speakers in them.

Doyle Massey, adviser of Femineers Club, stated that the main goal for this year is to “have fun and learn some cool stuff”.

Massey hopes that females learn and become interested in STEM by joining and learn more about the field and what it can offer them.

Members of the Femineers Club will be taking a trip to the University of Iowa to visit the Robotics Club and the Science and Technology program. Scheduling is still being determined and those interested in joining should contact Massey at [email protected] or visit room 159.