Busy Izzy
Isabella Martens talks about how West has impacted her life
“I’m so grateful for the amazing friendships I’ve made not only with my peers but with the staff as well,” Martens said.
December 6, 2022
Have you ever met someone who’s been Freddy the Falcon? Well senior Isabella Martens was our school mascot for our Homecoming football game this year. School spirit isn’t the only thing Martens is passionate about; she’s also dedicated to her academics. Maintaining straight A’s, being the dance team captain, and working on dance outside of school may seem like a lot but Martens seems to balance it all. Martens is very involved with the school, being on the West High School dance team, and Editor-in-Chief of the Beak ‘n’ Eye Newspaper. School has always been a main focus for Martens whether it’s academics or athletics she always gives 100% in whatever she does.
While Martens is not at school or dance she spends her free time reading or hanging out with her friends. Some fun facts about Martens is that her favorite holiday is Christmas and her favorite color is purple. Martens plans after high school to attend college and be on their dance team.
Martens never thought that the four years would go by so fast. While she was at West she took advantage of all the opportunities that she could.
“This year has been different from the last three because I feel like I finally know what I’m doing. I know where everything is and I have met most of the staff in the building. That makes the school day so much easier and goes by faster,” Martens said.
Some of Marten’s favorite classes she has taken are Principle Of Biomedical Sciences, Newspaper, and Outdoor Ed. While this year she doesn’t have a full schedule she had many tactics to stay on top of things the last three years.
“I handle being stressed by keeping organized. I use my reminders on my phone everyday and I keep a calendar in my room.” Martens said.
When Martens came to West she didn’t know anyone here but throughout her four years she’s met many new friends.
“West has impacted me because it’s where I grew up. I am a very different person than I was my freshman year because of the people I have met and the experiences I have had in the building.” Martens said.
The dance team has been Martens favorite part of West in the last four years. The opportunities and connections set her up for success for her future.
“I love the dance team because it gives me great opportunities and amazing friendships that you make.” Martens said.
Since Martens has been on the dance team for four years, leaving will be a big adjustment. Martens hopes that she helped prepare her teammates to succeed when she leaves.
“Even though I’m sad that I have to leave West so soon, I will use all the lessons that I have learned and remember my time here in a positive light.” Martens said.