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The student news site of Davenport West High School

WHS Today

March = Major Exams

Juniors take tests to prepare for futures
Juniors take on Steps to Success, and the weeks leading up to it.
Juniors take on Steps to Success, and the weeks leading up to it.

Everyone dreads the thought of a test, but for this year’s juniors they had to embrace the idea of a big important test. The class of 2025 recently took variations of  tests. These tests are not to find out how smart you are or otherwise, to evaluate the abilities that are learned in secondary school but are critical for success in higher education. These tests were all conducted on March 20th. 2024. The test types varied from the ACT to the ALEKS test, which are all tests that can influence the future. The most common test that was taken was the ACT.

The ACT stands for American College Testing. This exam was held at the Mississippi Valley fairgrounds. This exam t helps students prepare for college and shows what students have learned .The exam has a total of 215 questions in a whopping two hours and fifty-five minutes. Meaning you’ll want to complete 75 english questions,60 math questions, and 40 reading and science questions within that time frame.

“I prepared myself by taking practice tests in areas that I was struggling in and by reviewing the concepts I learned before,” Junior Samyr Andilog said. 

Another very popular Exam was the Aleks test. The Aleks test is an evaluation of preparedness that includes a test in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and numerical manipulation abilities. This exam is just as important to the rest, it is a college reliable exam  that many students prepare to take. 

“I looked into what it specifically accounts for, I analyzed charts, reading statistics, and basic math, I looked into any pre-tests I could find and also asked people who had taken it in the past,” junior Alex Hemphill said.

The Davenport Community School District implemented a steps to success week to help students prepare for the upcoming exams. Assemblies were hosted for each school providing a guest speaker for the class of 2025. Guest speaker Joe Beckman spoke to students about his book “Just Look Up”. The book was to teach students resilience, joy, self-worth, and interpersonal relationships. Motivating personal experiences can persevere students for how their exam will go. 

“ I feel like Joe Beckman coming in really helped with the stress level of taking the act. I felt like going into it I was more prepared with what my score was going to be no matter what I would feel successful in what I got,”  junior Addison Sinksen said. 

Not only was it a responsibility for students to know what test to take and about the test, but a responsibility for counselors. Counselors 

“But behind the scenes each counselor was responsible for ensuring that each one of their students on their roster has a test that they attend and what test would be appropriate.” Vice Principal Mike Orfitelli said. 

Overall these exams don’t affect students’ cumulative GPA,  however they are crucially important for students’ futures especially if they are interested in taking the college path. The exams show the students ethics and value not just to school but life itself.

About the Contributor
Peyton Aleksiejczyk
Peyton is on his first year on staff as a reporter. He is a junior and apart of the West Dance and Cheer teams. He enjoys getting energy drinks and hanging out with friends. He is excited to be apart of our publications staff family.