Westy Besties
Ms. Gascho and Ms. Bross are arguably West’s most dynamic duo
Ms. Gascho and Ms. Bross participating in one of their many outburst of hallway shenanigans. This is common occurance in the math hallway.
April 4, 2023
Have you ever been on your way to class and been stopped by two teachers dancing and singing in the math hall? There are many teacher friends around the school, but Ms. Gascho and Ms. Bross are the most intense by far. They haven’t even known each other for a year and their bond borders on creepy. They have energy for days and have brought together teachers across the school by making TikToks for their page, @mathwestiebesties. They spend so much time together in and outside of school and even plan on attending a Taylor Swift concert together.
But how did these two even meet? Well Ms. Bross is brand new to West this year and met Ms. Gascho on the last day of the previous school year.
“We met on June 3 of last year … at a restaurant, and I was there with another school and we just happened to run into each other … we texted a little bit about the school year and then we met again, on our first day,” Ms. Bross said.
They seemed to have an instantaneous connection. At this point they have basically melded into the same person.
“We immediately bonded because we match each other’s energy so well. The ongoing joke of the math department is that we are the same person, she’s just six years younger,” Ms. Gascho said.
Their personalities are actually so similar that even students mix the two up.
“People get us confused sometimes. I’ve been called Miss Gascho more than a few times this year,” Ms. Bross said.
Bross and Gascho also started a popular TikTok account, with about 380 followers. They began by featuring other math teachers but have recently added students and other department teachers.
“We decided to start making TikToks to bring some joy into our job. And we’ve recently
gotten other teachers involved from around the school,” Ms. Bross said.
They enjoy sharing their personal jokes on the account, documenting their gags. Like when they brought the whole math department together and framed photos for school administration.
“So the TikTok actually started because we made our entire department T-shirts and we made a TikTok showing the different T-shirts and everybody’s nickname … And then we took family photos, so we wanted to showcase them on the internet,” Ms. Bross said.
This account has brought joy not only to Bross and Gascho’s job but to teachers and staff across the school. Gascho claims that hitting the griddy has brought the school together.
“We try to get everyone involved. So before spring break, we had security, social studies, teachers, business teachers all in the TikTok because we’ve gathered quite a following. And I think it’s fun to build community that way,” Ms. Gascho said.
The dynamic duo now has plans to go see Taylor Swift in concert. Their shared love for the singer has been a bonding point for their friendship.
“We like to jam out to Taylor Swift all the time. And that’s why we did our Lip Sync Battle to Taylor Swift,” Ms. Gascho said
Bross and Gascho are nearing one year of friendship, and with a bond that strong it’s something worth commemorating. Lucky for them Taylor Swift is performing in Chicago on the exact date they originally met.
“[We’re] both really big Swifties and so we decided that for our one year friend anniversary we are gonna go to the Taylor Swift concert on June 3 … one year after we met,” Ms. Bross said.
Seniors know all too well that June 4 is graduation, Gascho and Bross are very excited to see their students graduate and plan on making a mad dash back from the concert.
“We’re gonna go to Taylor Swift in Chicago, and then wake up really early the next morning to come to graduation,” Ms. Gascho said.
The pair is very excited for their friendiversary concert but is always here for their students. In under a year these best friends have created a community in our school through the @mathwestiebesties page and their overall enthusiasm in the halls.