New year, new me


Creative Commons photo: USA-Reiseblogger on Pixabay

2018 marks a new year to set and conquer goals to improve oneself.

Zach Misner, Reporter

As the new year chimes in, people rejoice at the thought of a fresh slate, a blank canvas, a new year in which they plan to better themselves or their situation in some way, shape or form. These plans are formally known as resolutions and for some people, they are a serious matter, while others forget about them within the first week.

“My new year’s resolution for this year is to get a job because I don’t like being poor. I like doing things with my friends, and I want to get a car to do these things with my friends. So I’ll have too apply for the job, hope I get an interview, and then pray that I make a good enough impression to get the job I applied for,” junior Adrianna McGuire Riedell said.

While Riedell wants to use this year to get a job and save up for a car, she is choosing to paint her canvas gold to symbolize her wish for wealth. However, some people wish to use a more simpler color choice.

“I want to make healthier choices, mainly by being a bit more active and eating better. I’m confident I can accomplish these things,” head secretary Lisa Rostenbach said.

Rostenbach wishes to paint her canvas green for health, but she is far from the only one choosing that color this year.

“I always try to reset and say that ‘I should take better care of myself.’ I just want to be more active as I’ve been getting more lazy lately. So I want to be more active. I want to not eat out as much, eat at home more [and] just be more active rather than sitting at home watching Netflix all day,” iJAG teacher Cynthia Safford said.

Now that the color green is being used up, some are choosing to use a new bright and bold color palette to begin  2018.

“My new year’s resolution would be to a, get my life in order and b, be less scared of everything. I want to take the first step and do things and not wait for it to become the norm. I would do this by becoming more comfortable with myself and not waiting for people to do it first before I do things,” freshman Renee Casad said.

Casad is choosing the color red to symbolize the bravery she wants to adopt as her own, and while she is using that color, some are using the whole color wheel.

“So my new year’s resolutions are a lot of things: I want to lose weight. I want to get a man. I want to be more confident, and I want to get closer to my friends and family. I will try my hardest to accomplish it all, like I’m going to actually participate in gym, talk to my family more, and stop being a little baby,” junior Cailin Prunchak said.

Prunchak has decided to use almost every color in the book, except she is not using yellow, which is all about being optimistic, cheerful and happy

“I never really make new year’s resolutions because I generally just like to see what the new year brings and not set my expectations too high, but when I do make them then I have things such as eating cheesecake, spending more time with my family, becoming closer to friends, and doing something outside my comfort zone. These are all things that I will do anyway, but they are also fun and important things that I need to do and that can and most of the time still do surprise me,” senior Allison Cheatheam said.