The nest food pantry
October 24, 2017
The Nest is the West High School food pantry where students and their families can go if they are in need of food, clothes, and many other items. School social worker Jennifer O’Hare started to work on this in the 2016 school year. They receive deliveries from River Bend every second and fourth Monday of the month. They had their first delivery on Sept. 25.
“What I liked most about The Nest is helping kids in our community. Even if they don’t go to West, the Nest will help people in need of food, clothes, and water. They will have it provided to them and their families throughout the year,” sophomore Emily Brooks said.
Jason Franzenburg and Greg Smith’s first block engineering class have come up with designs and are planning to help remodel The Nest by adding storage to help organize it. The class is going to be receiving material through the district along with some money set aside by principle Jenni Weipert that they will use to remodel. They are planning to have it finished by Thanksgiving so they can have a grand opening.
“The things that were donated before used to always go in my office, the garage sale office. People always gave me stuff and I always sent out emails whenever a someone is in need of things, like if there was a house fire people would just give me stuff,” O’Hare said.
River Bend’s goal is to help between 35-50 families this year. From March to June the Nest managed to serve 13 families and up to 55 people.
“Now whenever people give me stuff we will have a central location for it to go. School is important to kids and when you worry about whether you are going to have clean clothes or a decent pair of shoes, some tend to wonder how school is important to me without these things.” O’Hare said
West High School’s Student Senate always helps out with the hunger drive, which also helps benefit the Nest.
“I love helping others and knowing the fact that I’m helping people in need.” sophomore Ethan Dies said.
For anyone who wants to get involved, visit O’Hare in her office.